

**Hubotとは [#i0eb1aea]


**やってみる [#r10656f2]
Hubotは通常は [[Heroku>https://www.heroku.com/]] にいれるのが定番ぽいのですが、今回は nodejs が 稼働するDockerコンテナ上に入れてみようと思います。じぶんがDocker絶賛勉強中なので。

 # docker pull node
 # cat Dockerfile
 FROM node
 MAINTAINER masatomix
 RUN npm install -g yo generator-hubot
 RUN useradd bot
 RUN mkdir /home/bot && chown bot:bot /home/bot
 USER bot
 WORKDIR /home/bot

Hubotは Yeomanを使ってテンプレからソースを作りますので、それらをインストールしておきます。このDockerfile を使って新しいimageをつくります。

 # docker build -t hubot-sample .
 docker build -t hubot-sample .
 Sending build context to Docker daemon 2.048 kB
 Step 1 : FROM node
  ---> 47522eb1edb5
 Step 2 : MAINTAINER masatomix
  ---> Using cache
  ---> a1914d9d0328
 Step 3 : RUN npm install -g yo generator-hubot
  ---> Using cache
  ---> a47cfa033eb7
 Step 4 : RUN useradd bot
  ---> Running in cd8beb5b849b
  ---> be2fc2c58d90
 Removing intermediate container cd8beb5b849b
 Step 5 : RUN mkdir /home/bot && chown bot:bot /home/bot
  ---> Running in d2c532d64b0b
  ---> 9421a92d23e7
 Removing intermediate container d2c532d64b0b
 Step 6 : USER bot
  ---> Running in 5eb063a6afd7
  ---> 119c2de9066b
 Removing intermediate container 5eb063a6afd7
 Step 7 : WORKDIR /home/bot
  ---> Running in 282c1d3afce7
  ---> 5f173b929721
 Removing intermediate container 282c1d3afce7
 Successfully built 5f173b929721

 # docker images
 REPOSITORY             TAG                 IMAGE ID            CREATED             SIZE
 hubot-sample           latest              5f173b929721        37 seconds ago      724.3 MB


 # docker run -it hubot-sample /bin/bash
 bot@8d0968b2a418:~$ node --version


ではさっそく Yeomanでソース生成です。Yeomanにはいろいろきかれますが、まあ適当に。
 $ mkdir hubot-sample && cd $_
 $ yo hubot
 ? ==========================================================================
 We're constantly looking for ways to make yo better!
 May we anonymously report usage statistics to improve the tool over time?
 More info: https://github.com/yeoman/insight & http://yeoman.io
 ========================================================================== Yes
                     /                             \
    //\              |      Extracting input for    |
   ////\    _____    |   self-replication process   |
  //////\  /_____\   \                             /
  ======= |[^_/\_]|   /----------------------------
   |   | _|___@@__|__
   +===+/  ///     \_\
    | |_\ /// HUBOT/\\
    |___/\//      /  \\
          \      /   +---+
           \____/    |   |
            | //|    +===+
             \//      |xx|
 ? Owner Masatomix <masatomix@example.com>   ←Owner
 ? Bot name Hubot      ← Hubotの名前
 ? Description A simple helpful robot for your Company
 ? Bot adapter campfire
    create bin/hubot
    create bin/hubot.cmd
    create Procfile
    create README.md
    create external-scripts.json
    create hubot-scripts.json
    create .gitignore
    create package.json
    create scripts/example.coffee
    create .editorconfig
  _____              /                             \
  \    \             |   Self-replication process   |
  |    |    _____    |          complete...         |
  |__\\|   /_____\   \     Good luck with that.    /
    |//+  |[^_/\_]|   /----------------------------
   |   | _|___@@__|__
   +===+/  ///     \_\
    | |_\ /// HUBOT/\\
    |___/\//      /  \\
          \      /   +---+
           \____/    |   |
            | //|    +===+
             \//      |xx|
 ... 以下略
 npm info ok

 $ ./bin/hubot
 ... 略
 npm info ok
 [Mon Mar 20 2017 05:49:38 GMT+0000 (UTC)] INFO hubot-redis-brain: Using default redis on localhost:6379


** ヘルプを表示 [#t108047e]

 Hubot> hubot help
 Hubot> Shell: Hubot adapter - Reply with the adapter
 Hubot animate me <query> - The same thing as `image me`, except adds a few parameters to try to return an animated GIF instead.
 Hubot echo <text> - Reply back with <text>
 Hubot help - Displays all of the help commands that Hubot knows about.
 Hubot help <query> - Displays all help commands that match <query>.
 Hubot image me <query> - The Original. Queries Google Images for <query> and returns a random top result.
 Hubot map me <query> - Returns a map view of the area returned by `query`.
 Hubot mustache me <url|query> - Adds a mustache to the specified URL or query result.
 Hubot ping - Reply with pong
 Hubot pug bomb N - get N pugs
 Hubot pug me - Receive a pug
 Hubot the rules - Make sure hubot still knows the rules.
 Hubot time - Reply with current time
 Hubot translate me <phrase> - Searches for a translation for the <phrase> and then prints that bad boy out.
 Hubot translate me from <source> into <target> <phrase> - Translates <phrase> from <source> into <target>. Both <source> and <target> are optional
 ship it - Display a motivation squirrel


 Hubot> hubot echo Hello World
 Hubot> Hello World
 Hubot> hubot ping
 Hubot> PONG
 Hubot> hubot pug me
 Hubot> http://28.media.tumblr.com/tumblr_ls9fa8S9lE1qfbmwho1_500.jpg


**関連リンク [#r234c9db]
-[[GitHub社謹製! bot開発・実行フレームワーク「Hubot」:連載|gihyo.jp … 技術評論社>http://gihyo.jp/dev/serial/01/hubot]] 情報は古いが、、。
-[[hubotスクリプトの書き方とサンプル集 | mitc>http://blog.fumiz.me/2012/08/05/hubot-irc-bot-script/]]
-[[CentOS 7.2 で Hubot を Docker で動かしてみた - Qiita>http://qiita.com/miyamiya/items/91d1bac25764a24e820e]]
-[[dockerでhubotが動作する環境を作る - Qiita>http://qiita.com/tubone/items/11a7ceb3e7013139abab]]
-[[dockerでhubot + slack - Qiita>http://qiita.com/nabe/items/3eb9c386eef7c3fb7750]]
-[[こんな僕でも30分でSlackのbotを作れた。 - アラタナエンジニアブログ>http://lab.aratana.jp/entry/2014/12/04/185053]]
-[[CentOS 7 で Hubot on Docker をやってみたメモ 愛しく切ない1bed>http://1bed.saloon.jp/?p=1961]]




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